If you drink certain good red wines, you’re familiar with the need to decant them. You can open the bottle and taste – and it’s good, but aerate and wait an hour or two… and a good decanted red wine rewards your patience with bliss.
Song of the Lamkee is a fine wine of a book that rewards the patient reader (if, that is, you consider racing through the final third of the book knowing that you’ll be tired as hell the next day to be a reward).
If you want a quick, cheap thrill, Lamkee isn’t for you. Hill demands your attention with a carefully crafted tableau of alien worlds, human and non-human characters, rich history, politics, mystery, and attention to detail. But this isn’t heady, esoteric writing some authors indulge in to impress three of their peers. All these sumptuous elements combine in a rollicking finish that had my attention, kept me from sleeping, and distracted me from work until I had finished.
Lamkee doesn’t hold your hand. I love writing that respects the reader and Hill clearly cares about the world, characters, and words she has created – and you will too.
Decant Song of the Lamkee and enjoy!
Happy Reading,
“Song of the Lamkee” is a nuanced fusion of fantasy and science fiction. The author has created a world where science and doctrine exist in conflict which grows more heated as the society progresses toward a future overshadowed by a forgotten past. These tensions drive the protagonist and the reader to question the status quo and rediscover what once was, both the good and the bad. It is an enjoyable read, and I am looking forward to what Ms. Hill has in store for her readers.
“Lamkee” is a great read! Hill tangles technology with thaumaturgy in a worlds-spanning story of political intrigue, alien awakening and good old-fashioned adventure. I am a fan well-written genre-bending fiction, this is one of my favorite examples of ignoring the boundaries and just telling a great story. Rich physical details, lush and deliciously tasty characters; this book is a fine feast and a fun escape from the mundane.
I read “Song of the Lamkee” before I read Brandon Sanderson’s “Stormlight” books, and I think they must both be tapping into the same pool of goodness. Erebis is a rich universe with a lot more stories in it–looking forward Barbara Hill’s next installment!
“Song of the Lamkee” is a flat-out great read. A rich and detailed universe. Well-drawn characters with believable reactions, motivations, and interactions. Descriptions that are vivid without overwhelming the reader. And pacing that keeps the story moving. Even better, only rarely (very rarely) does the wealth of information to get across ever slip into “As you know” dialog. I absolutely recommend this book, and I’m impatiently waiting for the second in the series.
Literary genius! Song of the Lamkee was the page turner that I had hoped it would be. I can’t wait to find out what happens next!!!
A very good read! I enjoyed learning about Lamkee and the world of Gaea and the technology they have. Look forward to the second book of the series and where it will lead us.
Hill immerses us in her fictionalized universe from the first sentence: “Erebis hovered dark and somber above the horizon as four riders crested a wind-ravaged tor on the plains of Khamahr.” This is a universe of moon-worlds presided over by noble lords, ladies, and regents; a universe of wondrously new and imaginative life forms; a universe of familiar humanity, in all of its beauty and depravity; a universe born of a dark, unspeakable loss.
Over the course of the novel, Hill reveals a comprehensive civilization–one detail at a time. By the time readers turn the last page, they have taken up residence, and in so doing have created allies and enemies, made treacherous journeys, fought for that which they hold dear, uncovered mysteries unknown before their revelation…
As the lamkee song captivates the discerning protagonist, Song of the Lamkee captivates its discerning readers. Listen closely to the lyrical tale; there is much that lies beneath the surface.